High school:
Mathematics-Physics No. 1 "Alexandru Odobescu" Pitesti
Bucharest Polytechnical Institute - electrotechnical section
Cisco Certified Network
Associate (CCNA 801 - 4 semesters)
CODECS knowledge
CODECS Project
Management quick course
AMP Network
Cabling Systems
ACT I - Installing LAN Cabling Systems
ACT II - Certifying LAN Cabling Systems
Official Curriculum - Computerland Academy
Microsoft Curriculum - Networking
Microsoft Curriculum -
administering Windows NT
Microsoft Curriculum - Supporting Windows NT Core Technologies
Microsoft Curriculum - Internetworking with TCP/IP
I am working in the IT-hardware domain since 1992, being successively a Computer-Service engineer, IT-Systems
specialist and now an IT
specialist - internetworking engineer.
If you are interested in knowing my professional skills, you can download my CV in pdf
format. Please be advised that the document is password-protected. If you don't have
the password, you can send me a short email containing the phrase "Your CV password" to:
and I'll send you the needed
password. Please note that I may update the document every time I consider there is
relevant info to be added.
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